Sunday, October 14, 2012

replica rolex watches Underground Method Of Learning The Guitar Fret Board!_26592

Many have come and gone, they have seen and conquered; yet there is one thing they have failed to achieve-knowledge of the guitar fret board (found on the top of the neck with metal bars across it)!

Unfortunately whether you believe it or not, knowing your frets is the key to success.

Many guitar players always find it difficult to do so. One would think rocket science is a walk in the park just by the way they go about it. Frets are exactly that, frets! There is no need to fear them,fake uggs for sale.

After all, if one has no knowledge whatsoever, how do they expect to play chords?

Yes, you heard right, chords卭ne of the most petrifying words in guitarville. Frets and chords go hand in hand, if guitar is your thing, better learn or die a slow death.

There are different suggested ways of gaining better knowledge of frets, the highly proclaimed being mentally.


This employs the method of learning away from your guitar. You can learn a fret at a time (in your mind),nike shox torch ii white sliver, memory cards or games, mnemonics. They all work; you just need to find which one is the easiest for you.

Let us look at all these in detail starting with the mind method.

Learning With Your Mind

The mind is capable of a great many things; humans underestimate it way too much. The best way to go about this technique is to take each fret at a time.

Make sure to know all the six notes (if using a six string guitar) on the fret by heart before moving on to the next. Keep doing this 'till you are done.

Memory Cards

This is a great way of going about it; you can even get someone else to hold up a different card each time. Each card has the number of a fret, for example the number three.

When you get this card you have to say out the notes G C F A# D G respectively. It goes on like this until you get all of them.

By the way, you don't have to go and buy these cards; you can simply make some at home. No need to spend unnecessary money. (After all, we have too much to worry about with the high gas prices).


Mnemonics are a sure fire way of learning to some degree. Mnemonics are simply assigning words to correspond with the various letters. An example of this would be the positions of the planets; Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn,nike free run 3 women, Uranus, Neptune and Pluto.

This would become; My Very Educated Mother Just Served Us Nice Potatoes, get the point? You can assign each note with any word that you can remember.

What Next?

What next is that you go out and put what you have just learned into action. Knowing your frets will take time, but it is very doable. Don't be afraid of it, it is just the fret board and nothing else.


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