Friday, October 19, 2012

lv wallets households will own either a videocassette recorder or a videodisc player

households will own either a videocassette recorder or a
videodisc player. All this means your market is growing and is
expected to continue growing thru the end of this decade.

Virtually everyone would like to see himself as a star in home
movie. Thus, when you show him a video tape of himself in the
starring role, he'll either buy the tape on the spot or want you
to make a similar tape for him. Regardless of false modesty,
everyone likes to show pictures of himself, and explain to his
friends the different highlights of his or her life. With this
understanding about your prospect in mind when you make a sales
presentation, your closing rate should be quite close to 100

The best way to sell your services is to run a regular ad in your
area newspaper. Such an ad might be similar to this one:

Whatever your idea or assignment, we can
handle it for you! No job too large or
too small! We're experts at taping weddings,
anniversaries, birthdays parties and other
special occasions. Commercial assignments
also welcomed. Your satisfaction is guaranteed,
so give us a call---123-4567,right now!

When you receive calls in response to this ad, your objective
will be two-fold: Find out what kind of taping job they have in
mind, and set up an appointment to show them an example of the
kinds of tapes you can produce for them. Show them an example of
your work. Once you've met with them, and shown them a
demonstration tape, you should have the sale in your pocket.

Never meet with a prospect in a selling situation without some
sort of demonstration tape to show him. Try to match the tape you
show them, as closely to their wants and needs as possible.
Wedding tapes you have made for prospective wedding clients, and
shots of golf practice or instruction to golfing prospects.

Besides an ad in the newspaper, and the yellow pages of your
telephone directory, make copies of the ad and get it up on the
bulletin boards in your market area. Send news and publicity
releases to all the media in your area, definitely whenever
you've got an unusual or special kind of assignment.

Have some impressive business cards printed, and hand them out to
whomever, and as often as you can. The slogan on your business
card might read: Have Video Tape Recorder,Available for ANY kind
of assignment--You name it and I'll tape it...

Radio and/or television advertising will probably be more
expensive than the resulting job assignments will sustain, so be
very cautious when considering this type of advertising. However,
it will very definitely be advantageous for you to pursue guest
interviews on just about any kind of broadcast talk show. Talk
show appearances and free write-ups about your business in your
local newspapers are promotional angles to reach for at every
opportunity. Always be on the lookout for promotional ideas and
gimmicks that will result in area -wide publicity for your

The bottom line is simply this: Don't be adverse to creating a

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