Sunday, January 13, 2013

楂樺涓殑鐢蜂汉 The Man in the High Castle_107

it quiet. Patriotic reasons, you know. So perhaps we should have somebody at the U.C. Hospital watching, if Berlin wants to keep their eye on him."
Reiss nodded. Or the old general might be involved in commercial speculations,Homepage, a good deal of which went on in San Francisco,cheap foamposites. Connections he had made while in service would be of use to him now that he was retired. Or was he retired? The message called him General, not Retired General.
"As soon as you have the picture." Reiss said, "pass copies right on to our people at the airport and down at the harbor. He may have already come in. You know how long it takes them to get this sort of thing to us." And of course if the general had already reached San Francisco, Berlin would be angry at the PSA consulate. The consulate should have been able to intercept him -- before the order from Berlin had even been sent.
Pferdehuf said, "I'll stamp-date the coded radiogram from Berlin, so if any question comes up later on, we can show exactly when we received it. Right to the hour."
"Thank you," Reiss said. The people in Berlin were past masters at transferring responsibility, and he was weary of being stuck,jordans for sale. It had happened too many times. "Just to be on the safe side," he said, "I think I'd better have you answer that message. Say, 'Your instructions abysmally tardy. Person already reported in area. Possibility of successful intercept remote at this stage.' Put something along those lines into shape and send it. Keep it good and vague. You understand."
Pferdehuf nodded,pink foamposites. "I'll send it right off. And keep a record of the exact date and moment it was sent." He shut the door after him.
You have to watch out, Reiss reflected, or all at once you find yourself consul to a bunch of niggers on an island off the coast of South Africa. And the next you know, you have a black mammy for a mistress, and ten or eleven little pickaninnies calling you daddy.
Reseating himself at his breakfast table he lit an Egyptian Simon Arzt Cigarette Number 70, carefully reclosing the metal tin

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