Tuesday, December 18, 2012

鍒鎴戣蛋 Never let me go_017

there'd be sneers and giggles all around him. In fact, the harder he tried, the more laughable his efforts turned out. So before long Tommy had gone back to his original defence, producing work that seemed deliberately childish, work that said he couldn't care less. From there, the thing had got deeper and deeper.
For a while he'd only had to suffer during art lessons--though that was often enough, because we did a lot of art in the Juniors. But then it grew bigger. He got left out of games, boys refused to sit next to him at dinner,montblanc pen, or pretended not to hear if he said anything in his dorm after lights-out. At first it wasn't so relentless. Months could go by without incident, he'd think the whole thing was behind him, then something he did--or one of his enemies, like Arthur H.--would get it all going again.
I'm not sure when the big temper tantrums started. My own memory of it is that Tommy was always known for his temper, even in the Infants, but he claimed to me they only began after the teasing got bad. Anyway, it was those temper tantrums that really got people going, escalating everything, and around the time I'm talking about--the summer of our Senior 2, when we were thirteen--that was when the persecution reached its peak,http://www.nikehighheels.biz/.
Then it all stopped, not overnight, but rapidly enough. I was, as I say, watching the situation closely around then, so I saw the signs before most of the others,fake chanel bags. It started with a period--it might have been a month, maybe longer--when the pranks went on pretty steadily, but Tommy failed to lose his temper,fake rolex watches. Sometimes I could see he was close to it, but he somehow controlled himself; other times, he'd quietly shrug, or react like he hadn't noticed a thing. At first these responses caused disappointment; maybe people were resentful, even, like he'd let them down. Then gradually, people got bored and the pranks became more halfhearted, until one day it struck me there hadn't been any for over a week.
This wouldn't necessarily have been so significant by itself, but I'd spotted other

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